What specific steps, if any, are you taking in regard to managing employee health and safety?
- NA
- N/A
- we continue to wear masks in our showroom
- N/A
- Good communication with a focus on relationships.
- Regular checks
- Working remote
- Allowing remote work and leaving travel decisions up to our team members.
- Spacing
- Masks/ limited contact
- My business has always been remote so no change
- We allow each employee to work as to what makes them feel safe or comfortable and offer to support them with what they need to do so
- Letting them make their own decisions.
- Enhanced cleaning. Masks for unvaccinated employees or per comfort level.
- Masks, regular sanitization, hand sanitizer readily available
- Cautious with extra protocol in place
- Sanitizing schedule, education, promote best practices.
- Full vaccination required for all employees.
- Stay home if showing symptoms
- Continuing to wear masks and encouraging vaccinations
- Stay home if you are not feeling well or sick in any capacity.
- Prudently limiting physical contact
- None
- Taking breaks in my work
- If required by law, I wear a mask and I am generally refraining from shaking hands at this time.
- Mask to your comfort level but not required
- I gave up my co-working space and do not take indoor meetings.
- Moved people into their own defined space
- it's just me!
- Follow the usual safety regulations
- Wearing a mask when working near unvaccinated individuals
- None- work at home alone
- Working from home and minimizing travel
- Keeping them away from any public exposure
- We’re fully remote
- All CDC and State guidelines
- Masks in public areas, work from home w symptoms
- Vaxxing, masking, staying away from crowds.
- Having them stay home if they have any symptoms at all.
- I stepped away from March of 2020-2022 from in person events, now I plan to attend and participate. People need people and spontaneous senergy to make business what it was.
- Remote when neeed (family,nschool etc.) has always been OK.
- Continue to monitor mandates and COVID numbers, provide onsite vaccinations for staff and testing.
- Extra cleaning, mask wearing
- Providing training, wellness benefits,, surprise company holidays
- No special precautions at this point.
- Mask optional, dont come in if not feeling well
- Encouraging vaccination for those still not immunized. Masking is optional.
- Limiting number of people in conference rooms and spacing out work areas
- Each is responsible for their own safety to protect one another
- As a sole prop, I keep up to date on vaccines, wear a mask in shared public spaces, and keep an intelligent distance in environments where vaccination is not a given.
- Common sense
- Mandatory vaccination, stay home when you are sick
- More flexible meeting schedules and limiting # of meetings per week.
- Office tracker, closure if covid case
- Adhering to government Health Organization´s guidelines
- We continue to stay healthy and work as we did prior to Pandemic. Nothing has really changed for us since we are family owned and having only 6 employees total.
- Remote work
- Álcool (hand sanitizer) and mask
- Masks, sanitizing stations, more cleaning, no communal food (Pizza, etc)

Of the announced shows (CHITAG/POP not announced yet), if attending or exhibiting, please list the shows in which you plan to participate.
- None
- Not attending
- Licensing show
- Seattle Mart regional shows, ToyFest Las Vegas, ASTRA June Long Beach, and other regional Seattle shows
- London Toy Fair, Mojo Pitch
- N/A company is still restricting travel
- Toy Fest West, ASTRA in June
- ASTRA MarketPlace
- ASTRA in Long Beach and trying out the ASTRA Toy Boat in 2023 when details come out and ToyFest West (will attend 2023 Toy Fair too)
- ASTRA Marketplace and Academy
- ASTRA, GAMA ATL Gift, Toy Preview LA, Toy Preview Dallas, GenCon
- Toy Fest West, Astra, Atlanta Gift, Dallas Gift
- Atlanta market, ASTRA
- Vendor summits, Fall previews
- Atlanta Market, WTHRA, ASTRA, TOY BOAT, additionally we will have a presence throughout the year at local events.
- Toy Boat Feb 2023
- ECRM, gift, baby,
- Licensing Show, San Diego Comic Con, Fall Toy Preview, Tokyo Toy Show, New York Comic Con
- Astra, Gen Con, Chitag
- MIP TV, Kidscreen, CMC, MIPCOM
- Pax East, Gen Con, ASTRA, Origins, pax Unplugged, BGG Con
- county-level shows. Not glamorous, but can we look at it as practice for bigger shows?
- Distoy, Dallas
- none
- NY NOW August 14-17 | Javits Center
- GenCon, ChiTAG, Origins maybe others
- Numerous Comic-cons, Designercon, hopefully ASTRA
- Licensing Show, ASTRA
- Licensing, Astra, Toy Fest
- ASTRA, maybe the licensing show, maybe Dallas
- Astra, Dallas Toy Fair
- nothing booked yet- but wanting to attend as shows reopen
- Licensing Expo, ASTRA, Dallas Preview & Holiday Market
- Toy Association
- Astra, licensing show, fall toy preview
- Toy Fair
- Sweet Suite; fall preview in September
- Pop, toy fair Dallas, astra, iste and looking for a consumer product event to replace time at ces for kids and family friendly play and tech convergence.
- undecided
- January Gift Shows, CAMEX (college bookstores), ToyFest West - all done! Heading to ASTRA, Dallas Toy Preview, Distoy. Possibly ABC Kids Expo and others in between now and the end of the year.
- Astra
- SharePoint Fest Chicago 2021
- Dallas Gift, ATL gift, Toy Fest West, ASTRA, Hobbytown, September Dallas Preview, and more!
- Toy Fest West, ASTRA Marketplace
- tbd, looking at fall.
- exhibiting
- Toy fest west, astra, distoy, dallas
- Clamour Influencer Summit, Licensing Show
- Las Vegas Licensing Expo
- LIE, BLE, plus local and regional events
- ASTRA 2022 in Long Beach, CA
- Gen Con, Comic-Con, NY Comic-Con
What are your thoughts on the future of shows and the recent announcements (NYTF 2023 Fall Show, ASTRA's Toy Boat Cruise in February 2023 and others). Don't hold back!
- The more streamlined and with remote options the better!
- NYTF, stopped going to Dallas due to the fact that toy companies were unable to commit to much at that time, and had terrible follow up due to the volatility of their lines, it was a waste of time. February is too late, but if the new fall NYTF is similar at all to what Dallas was, that won't be helpful either.
- Very Excited for Toy Boat- in person, playful and relationship focused, and its different. I'm sure it will be innovative and I can't wait to hear what ASTRA has planned. I always have lots of buying to do at that time. I plan to attend with some staff and some family. I have always attended Toy Fair- so I will keep my eye on how the 2023 Toy Fair moves forward (it seems like it so far away at this point). There are lots of different buyers in the market- let's make space for them all.
- looking forward to ASTRA's Toy Boat, disappointed in NYTF 2023 in Fall
- Bold move by ASTRA, great need for Independent toy trade give TA has elected to focus on what they see as the "20% that matters" (Jay Foreman interview with Richard Gottlieb), leaving the 80% to find their own way. I'm 100% "in".
- Happy to not got to NYC in February, but question how many retailers -other than Mass - will attend, Excited to see something different with the Toy Boat and eagerly awaiting details
- NYTF is irrelevant for Specialty Retailers and Exhibitor - The Toy Association is not interested in the 80%. ASTRA's Toy Boat Cruise is perfect for the Specialty Market. It combines community with innovation. I will be booking!
- I believe that what ASTRA is doing with The Toy Boat is a bold move that genuinely pushes the typical trade show paradigm. It's inclusive for employees and family, industry associates and allows the industry to try something different. Why Wouldn't We All Try Something Different? The alternative is to do the same old, same old and then complain about having to do the same old same old...sheesh. I welcome this idea and will definitely be on-board!
- TIA has made it clear they do not care about the small vendors and specialty buyers. We do not need a show in September for our business. I think the ASTRA cruise is brilliant, they are thinking outside of the box and being responsive to their members.
- NYTF has been unfriendly for small manufacturers. Their new "vision" is even less friendly for us. Toy Boat is a unique way to fill a void for specialty
- I LOVE the idea of ASTRA Toy Boat!
- Excited about cruise and have blocked that date on calendar until further details come out, no worries about travel at this point for any shows
- Very happy with NYTF Timing.
- Toy Fair remains irrelevant to me. Even more so with date change. Looking forward to ASTRA TOY BOAT!
- LOVE!!!!!
- The idea is fabulous and lends excitement to a new ASTRA event. People are ready to be out again and meeting in person. While I believe hybrid options are here to stay in general, by offering unique venues and recreating experiences, we will find that these events will grow. Kudos to ASTRA for being bold and creative. I am sure this will be an event not to be missed.
- Fall for Toy fair isn’t great as an exhibitor for the specialty market.
- I like the evolution. The toy industry is becoming more fluid with a constant need for new products, so it’s great to not have specific events being kept in times that no longer serve a purpose.
- In person is fine with masks and vaccines required for entry
- Worried about how the fall show will affect small companies.
- We have to learn to live with this virus but be respectful of staying safe. Large indoor venues will continue to cause anxiety for many even with masks...
- Not sure yet of the new timing on Toy Fair but we will attend. For ASTRA, I applaud their out of the box thinking but we have not yet decided if we will attend, we need more information.
- New to industry, haven't attended these shows in the past, but was registered for Toy Fair. Was disappointed not to be able to boast to friends that I'd participated. (Registration materials made it sound VERY exclusive.) On the one hand, being small-time, I very much appreciate how many events I can now attend online. On the other, meeting people face-to-face is important.
- Prefer that the 2023 Fall Show not be in NYC or Dallas.
- I like remote because I can reach a larger demographic. There are no boundries and it's much more economical. I do not feel the interaction is diminshed by not being in person.
- I think they will continue and be well attended, unless similar large shows are held in similar regions within about 90 days of each other.
- Not as optimistic as others might be.
- NYTF might work better for me. ASTRA's Boat Cruise is a wild one and I'm not 100% sure how that's gonna work out from an exhibiting standpoint...seems fun though. I'm still fairly new here and trying to navigate which shows to attend/exhibit and which one's might not be beneficial my business.
- As someone who looks to these shows primarily for networking, I'm concerned that NYTF 2023 will be a much smaller, more closed event. While the companies that attend might account for a large share of the toys sold, I think it will be a small percentage of the companies that used to attend. ASTRA's Toy Boat Cruise is unnecessarily dangerous, restrictive, and expensive. Cruises have been covid super-spreaders. Having a trade show on a cruise ship not only increases the costs, but also makes it impossible to drop in for a day. No chance I will attend that.
- Should be fun
- love the idea of NY in the fall. the cruise leaves me hesitant but I would consider it
- Will support the NYTF 2023 Fall Show and understand the schedule needed to develop and manufacture is the main factor to move to the fall. Would be good to have discussion on having more manufacturing return to the North American continent.
- Excited for them all!
- I think networking in person is unrivaled! trade shows/group meetings on boats is becoming more popular, but I prefer the traditional trade show layout
- Not a fan of fall toy fair… The timing is absolutely terrible. I’m not really understanding how that timeline works for anyone… I would be interested in Astras toy boat cruise in February… Although I had not heard about that before.
- We will consider PaxU and NYTF 2023
- Can’t wait for 2023 TFNY! Not so sure about ASTRA Toy Boat Cruise. Might be logistically challenging for exhibitors.
- Plan on attending NYTF 2023
- Like the move, but it does leave a gap in February
- Love Toy Fair in Fall! NY or LA!
- NYTF Sept all for Mass, not my industry. ASTR Cruise, not well thought out, will probably never happen
- Think in person shows are needed for this industry to see product first hand, connect with people etc. I don’t go to Astra so hard to say but I have heard a concern to getting palettes on the ship.
- Simply we need to gather to create enthusiasm that is missed in meta, and get out of our own way to bring back the wonder of play together - not from home office or computer make shift office but at shows where magic happens by circumstance and planning but mostly unplanned occurrence.
- Decision should be made closer to show date. Plan ahead (for them), but be vigilant in attendance.
- Excited about condensing Dallas/Toy Fair to one show in September 2023 - it will change what we have prepared to show at that time, but positively as everyone will have to shift. Lots of outstanding questions related to how manufacturers will be able to participate/ship products/prepare/etc. for a toy show on a cruise. Also curious how many retailers will actually show up when a cruise "traps" them into a space/dates and if there is something going on at their store, they can't just leave. Cruising isn't for everyone. It might make more sense to make this a truly social show for networking and families versus making it a show for manufacturers to prepare a "booth" space. ASTRA has always been a place to meet people at the bar, in the lobby, etc. Some of the best connections happen that way - might make more sense to do that.
- More shows please, but not on a boat. Eww
- I hope the public toy and game fair returns to Navy Pier.
- NYTF 2023 makes sense to me, though it will be tricky to manage specialty looking for immediate buys and larger customers looking for 2024. "Toy Boat" makes no sense to me at all - sounds like time and money that most people can't afford, for a questionable outcome. Honestly it just doesn't sound very well thought out. It seems that between Dallas, Atlanta, and Toy Fest West, our Q1 exhibiting needs are well taken care of.
- A more fully integrated look at the planning calendar from a total industry perspective would be good
- NYTF Fall 2023 seems to be oriented toward very large vendors, very large retailers, and major movie studios - not sure what the benefit would be for small to midsize entities. NYC still way too expensive to exhibit especially for questionable turnout. And a small manufacturer showing ideas 15 months out is only asking to have its IP ripped off. The combo of Toy Fest West + ASTRA Marketplace looks like it will be more effective at reaching the independent retailers & at lower cost to boot. Might add GAMA and NAMTA to our mix for more specialty coverage - a real shame that Book Expo fell apart because in its day was a great avenue to Specialty retailers. Even wondering now what the benefit is from membership in the Toy Association, since their lobbying is concentrated mostly on importers' needs rather than small USA manufacturers wanting to export. The ASTRA boat cruise is a non-starter: too close to TFW, GAMA, possible ECRM events. Would rather see ASTRA create regional, quarterly meetups with influencers & local media + local Specialty merchants + local Toy manufacturers to build grassroots coverage at lower cost / better chance of success than what the TA offers.
- Ready to be back to normal!
- Will be at NYTF for sure
- Cautious optimism that in-person dynamics can be maintained as closely as possible to traditional norms. I will be happy to accommodate any precautions put in place to insure safe, smart in-person interactions can continue moving forward.
- Lets get back to normal.... enough is enough!
- Boat Cruise is useless. No one will attend the "fair" on board, and you couldn't pay me to get on a cruise ship yet. I think NY is September is brilliant
- Can't wait to get back in person. Feel very strongly that nothing is as valuable as face to face meetings.
- They need to evolve and adapt to industry current needs
- Neither of those shows are important to us.
- I feel as if many have made the shift into digital and remote, but we long for the social aspects and personal communication with those who have supported our business throughout the years. If floor plans start to fill up more than 50% then we will probably participate. I don't necessarily feel that we will attend NYTF if it is in September. We are 'winging it' I suppose and waiting for our guts to speak clearer. We wish everyone much success regardless~
- NYTF - happy to see it moved to Fall in NYC.
- Not sure if it’s already safe…
- I think we will get back to ‘normal’ but with some virtual opportunities.