The POP Profile Maker 2000: How to make a POP-star Profile

by Isabelle Hodge | 21 Aug 2021

Biographies and Interviews

Hey! Hey, you! Struggling to refine your People of Play Profile? Yeah, I get it, I love talking about myself, but when it comes time to put pen to paper…. I scratch no ink. But don’t worry Professor POP and I teamed up to make the POP Profile Maker 2000!!!! 


Yeah, you heard that right, the Pop Profile Maker 2000!!!! Is it Automated? No. Did we use any code to make it? Also no. Is it just a blog post pretending to be a personality quiz? …Yes. Does it require typing your responses into a separate document before copy and pasting them over when you are done? Also yes, but shhh, this is an exercise in imagination, so apply your suspension of disbelief.




Hello, World!


I am the POP Profile Maker. So pleased to meet you. 

Let’s start with your profile.

You can access it by clicking “Profile” then “Edit my Profile” from the menu on the left.

I want to know what you look like!

Do you smile? Are you dramatic? Professional? Zany? Upload a profile picture so I may see you.

Beautiful. Better than a sunset sung in binary.


Next up, Name, Caption, and Bio!

What do you want people to know about you right off the bat? 

Inventor of the flying Wheezemakid! CEO of BigNameFamousBrand! Probably a Libra!

All excellent things to let people know via caption.

Time for your bio! Tell me about yourself. What is your story? Your journey? Your brightest dreams and darkest secrets. 

Perhaps you want to come across professionally and speak in the third person. Perhaps you would prefer to write an epic story beginning with “Once Upon A Time” and ending with “The End.” To help get you started, I have a Mad Libs-style fill-in-the-blank bio below.


Once upon a time, there was a [adjective][noun] named [your name]. Ever since [time in life], [your name] wanted [life mission]. [Your name] has overcome [noun] with [accomplishment] and [accomplishment]. In the face of [greatest challenge], [your name] used [skill] to [action]. If you ever wish to learn more about [things you would be interested in telling people about], talk to [your name or name of someone who would be relevant]. Otherwise, feel free to [reach out / leave me alone].


Easy peasy lemon squeezy.


Now for my favorite part,

Your Three Fun Facts!

Do you have a favorite food? A favorite vacation spot? A funny story? A near-death experience? Brag about an achievement or share a funny thought, no need to overthink it! Best of all, you will have three options prepared for the next time a group ice breaker asks "Share something interesting about yourself."


Be sure to play "3 Truths and a Lie" here on People of Play. It’s an excellent way to learn about your fellow POPstars. Check back after adding your fun facts and you might encounter yourself!


Rounding out your profile is as easy as adding your

Skills and Socials!

Tagging your skills and expertise makes it easy to show off your talents and capabilities.

Here is a list of popular tags, which apply to you?


Inventor, Artist, Game Developer, Engineer,

Prototyping, Design, Illustration, 3D Modeling

Graphic Design, Game Design, Adobe Creative Cloud,

Innovation Management, Product Acquisition, Business Development,

Branding, Marketing, Management, Licensing


Be sure to add your social media links as well. TikTok fame has never been so easy!* 

*TikTok fame as a result of including your socials on POP not guaranteed. 

What else? Oh yes,

Pictures of past achievements. Articles of your daring deeds.

Have any to share? Here is your space to shine.

Click “My Posts” on the menu to add and upload accordingly! 

This is where a POP profile can really stand out, pictures and videos add so much life, while articles and blog posts help the community learn more about you, your work, and anything you are particularly knowledgeable about.


If you or your work has been featured in the news, be sure to add the links to your Media Mentions!


Wow, your profile is looking great! 

Last but not least, let’s add your products.

Just like you, your products should get POPstar quality profiles as well. Be sure to give it the best chance to shine by including pictures, a description, 3 Fun Facts, and where it can be purchased.

I’m so excited to see all the amazing things you have made.


That’s it, do a victory lap! Now everyone who finds your profile can enjoy learning about you as much as I have.

If you need more help, feel free to contact Isabelle Hodge, who can provide a more personalized experience than I, definitely-not-a-blog-post-pretending-to-be-an-automated-bot, can. 


Thanks for playing!


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