MyFeelings! Minis

MyFeelings! Minis are hand sized pellet filled versions of what Amy calls the "fabulous five" emotions -- happy, sad, scared, mad and love. Five feelings makes labeling and working playing with emotions fun and simple. Basic shapes, basic colors and now -- basic or core emotions. Keeping the labeling of emotions simple at early ages means learning is simpler and focused. Children easily and intuitively take the hand sized shapes out of the bag, see the face, understand the 'fire' shape of mad and the 'raindrop' shape of sad, as well as the heart shape of love and the sun shape of happy. Let's not forget the ghost shape of scared. The combination of words, shape, and facial expression make consolidation and learning a piece of cake. Amy has had children intuitively show her their 'emotions sandwich' or how the tougher feelings can pile up and squish the happy and love feelings to the bottom.

Fun Facts

Award winners
Available in Ojibwe, Swedish and Cherokee
Easy to throw the bag in car or attach to a backpack


Launched Date:

04 Feb 2022

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Tait & Lily, Inventors of Betcha Can't!