What The Film

Actor. Plot. Set. Combine one of each to make a movie. Did someone have a better idea than you? Don't worry, you can stab them in the back and take all their points if you "know people" in the Industry. After all, it's showbiz.

What The Film?! is a fun party game where you get to come up with crazy movie ideas based on the hand you're dealt. Elaborate on the three cards you have to make your movie the best one at the table. But look out, there are Industry cards to turn the game upside down. So don't get too cocky, it could come back to bite you.

Fun Facts

1,000,000 possible combinations
Created from real scenarios in the film industry
A party game with over 200 pieces of artwork

Launched Date:

01 Aug 2018

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Tait & Lily, Inventors of Betcha Can't!