
POP Book - Fantasy

One sentence summary: Crossing the Unknown Sea is about reuniting the imagination with our day to day lives. It shows how poetry and practicality, far from being mutually exclusive, reinforc...e each other to give every aspect of our lives meaning and direction. One paragraph summary: Crossing the Unknown Sea is about reuniting the imagination with our day to day lives. It shows how poetry and practicality, far from being mutually exclusive, reinforce each other to give every aspect of our lives meaning and direction. Whyte encourages readers to take risks at work that will enhance their personal growth, and shows how burnout can actually be beneficial and used to renew professional interest. He asserts that too many people blindly trudge through a mediocre work life because so many “busy” tasks prevent significant reflection and analysis of job satisfaction. Show more

One sentence summary: In this book Brian Tracy builds on a Mark Twain quote “eat a live frog in the morning and nothing worse will happen to your for the rest of the day” which effectively... serves as apt metaphor of an effective time management.    One paragraph summary:  Its to stop procrastinating and get more improtant thigns done. By quoting Mark Twain as the lead of this little book, the author shows you how each day, so to speak, can zero on critical tasks and tackle them effeciently and effectively. The core of what is vital to effective time management is decision, discplne and determination. This life-changing book which is only 144 pages guides you through on getting more of the important things done and taking control by eating that frog. Show more

Will we make it? That's the question Kavitha and her cousin, Pallu, ask themselves as they trek through Himalayan pine forests and unforgiving mountains in Nepal and Tibet. Their goal: to reach Mount ...Kailash and Lake Manasarovar. The two women walk to ancient monasteries, meditate on freezing slopes, dance on the foothills of Kailash, and confront death in the thin mountain air. In Kailash and Manasarovar, the holiest of Hindu and Buddhist sites, they struggle to reconcile their rationalist views with faith and the beloved myths of their upbringing. Remarkably, it is this journey that helps them discover the meaning of friendship. Walking in Clouds is a beautifully crafted memoir of a journey to far-away places and to the places within. It mixes lyrical, descriptive storytelling with stunning photographs to bring to life a unique travelogue.Show more

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