

Ladies and gentlemen of People of Play, grab a comfy seat and a snack, because we are about to embark on a journey into the world of wit and wisdom. As the great wise sage once said, \"You can lead a h...

KIDS TODAY ARE FACING INCREASING MENTAL DISTRESS Building Products with M.E.S.H. in Mind - Mental-Emotional-Social-Health   Play is one of the best ways to promote safety in kids’ mental...

Letting Go is Harder Than it Sounds By Nancy Zwiers I remember hearing the story about some men who were capturing monkeys in the wild for research.  The monkeys needed to be caught unharmed.&n...

  What are your roles and responsibilities in our industry? David Norman: I run Moose’s game division.  Our division is fortunate to get a great amount of marketing and innovation ...

Hi Laura, thank you for taking time for this interview and nice to meet you! Please share with our readers your roles and responsibilities in our industry?  Except for at the very beginning of...

Hi Shannon! Thank you for taking time to share what you\'ve been up to lately. Can you share with our readers what you do in our industry? I am the Inventor Relations Manager for Games at Moose...

MESH PRODUCTS - PROBLEM SOLVING Post 3 in a 6 Part Series about MESH   Thinkfun turns their focus to the global youth mental health crisis and how play can make all the difference in protectin...

  The toy industry is undergoing monumental change—in a scale not seen since the 1950s. Like any thriving industry, from the beginning of the 20th century when the U.S. toy industry was ...

Hi Laura! Thank you for taking time our from you crazy schedule to share your latest projects with us! First, let\'s talk about what you do in our industry...   I was and still am a board game...

(Mary) Hi Lorena! Less than five years ago you started as an intern at TOMY and then joined full-time as an Assistant Product Designer on Lamaze. How\'s it going? It’s been great to say the le...

Tait & Lily, Inventors of Betcha Can't!