What is your claim to fame in the industry? Knowing Brian Turtle before he was inducted into WTHRA Hall of Fame.. I hope he still takes my calls or will I go straight to voicemail? I\'m scared to try....
Hey Toy Family! Are you ready to Win the Belt? This is the Call for Enteries for ASTRA\'s Lip Sync Battle 2022! If you want you compete message me or Brian Turtle t...
Hey Toy Family! Are you ready to Win the Belt? This is the Call for Enteries for ASTRA\'s Lip Sync Battle 2022! If you want you compete message me or Brian Turtle to say you ...
Sherry is a consummate creative who has a legacy of leading and building businesses that develop and incubate quality products and services especially in the educational and finance markets. His...
What do you do in the industry? I am the quintessential toy guy. I started as a liaison manufacturing engineer for Kenner Products in the 70s fell in love with industry and have been active in the in...
Can We Preserve our Close-Knit Industry? By Nancy Zwiers Few major industries are as close-knit as the toy industry. Many people say they love their jobs, or their companies, but how m...
2022 marks 60 years since Barbie moved into a place just as fabulous as she is — her first Dreamhouse! Over the past 60 years, Barbie’s Dreamhouse has transformed from a simple fo...
How To Put On Your Cape-abilities In this blog post, you’ll continue to find strategies that you can use to shake up your thinking and unleash your innovation superpowers. Each post defines a t...
Elliot has been in the toy industry more than 50 years, beginning his career at Mattel Toys and then (crazily and without much of a clue) early-deciding to launch out on his own as an independent prod...