

Five (5) Feelings are all you need   What? Only five? Perhaps you’re remembering times you had thousands of feelings about a big event. Our emotional experiences a...

*Opinion Article - Concepts below are explained with a lack of detail for ease of comprehension* This article is structured like a conversation so I can use layman’s terms. There are arguably m...

\"Anticipation of pleasure is, in itself, a very considerable pleasure.\" - David Hume Have you ever just gotten so excited for something or someone in your life?  You have a vacation coming up or...

Mary Couzin interviews Azhelle . . .   What exactly do you do in the industry? I’m a toy industry educator and coach! As The Toy Coach®, I work to teach, connect, inspire, and suppo...

Mary Couzin interviews JM . . .    Congrats, JM, on being the TAGIE Hassenfeld Family Initiatives Humanitarian Award Honoree this year! Can you tell us about the project you were involved ...

Some new innovative products are perfect for what the industry refers to as \"Slicensing Opportunities.\" This is the process of carving out small segments of broader categories, with the aim of creatin...

A great thing about being in a small company is you can make decisions on the spot, especially when it comes to great product. This is another toy that sits on my desk, gets played with regularly, and...

Often the simplest concepts are the most fun toys to play with. However, perfect execution is essential. This was a simple and fun concept delayed by lack of attention to important details, but later ...

According to Wikipedia, Nostalgia is associated with a yearning for the past, its personalities, possibilities, and events, especially the \"good ol\' days\" or a \"warm childhood\".  Nostalgia i...

Tait & Lily, Inventors of Betcha Can't!