Kid-Ventors Kid-Ventors, written by Kailei Pew and illustrated by Shannon Wright, is an inspiring collection of stories about different inventors—all under the age of 16! From names you...
The Toy Association is ready to enter a new era under the leadership and guidance of toy industry veteran, Greg Ahearn, who will join as Pre...
Connie Vogelmann is lightning in a bottle! Apiary & Wyrmspan were both among the top 20 hottest games on Board Game Geek... and they are her first games! In today\'s episode she shares her game d...
Families Can Now Shop “Influencer Choice List” Presented by Toy Association & Powered by Clamour NEW YORK, NY — From outdoor water play and active toys to creative art...
Over the years, collectors have always been a part of history. When the Franklin Mint was created in the 1960s, modern collectibles came onto the scene with a whole different set of characte...
NEW YORK, NY | May 20, 2024 — The Toy Association Inc., the business trade association representing a wide array of manufacturers, retailers, licensors, and others involved in the youth e...
(POP\'s Julia deKorte) Thanks for taking the time to speak with me Mark! Let\'s get right into it... Why and how did you get into the toy industry? I always loved toys, since I was a kid, and I have al...
In celebration of our \"MAY I help? Yes, you MAY\" Campaign (DONATE HERE), We are encouraging everyone to share their favorite Young Inventor Challenge® Stories. Here’s mine...
Glen Ellyn, IL – May 15th: I shipped my pants?…. Pocket jerky?…. Man glitter? These are just a few of the random a$$ phrases you’ll be hearing slipped into conversa...
For the complete press release including images, links, and catalog information, please click here. Outdoor Play Line Djubi Returns to its Inventor at The Good Game Company The Good Game Com...