

Lead Industrial Designer Willy Yonkers analyzes his vast experience with different video game companies. He highlights similarities in their approaches to licensing and product share.

Moderators: Robin Raskin (Living in Digital Times) Panelists: Brent Bushnell (President, Two-bit Circus), David Kleiman (SVP, Global Trends Dubit), Phil Sage (Senior Director: Product Development, Des...ign & Inventor Relations, Hasbro), Joe Scott (Chief Business Officer @ Blok Party, Ian Bernstein (Co-Founder, Misty Robotics). Sponsored by Longshore Limited, Mattel, Disney and Blok Party.Show more

Both physical board games and mobile app games provide endless entertainment value. Greenwood Games' Tom and Jean Greenawalt share their design approach and the benefits of making a game that covers b...oth categories.Show more

Backed by 20 years of inventing experience, Bret Gould explains how he uses emerging technologies to his full advantage in his innovative product development process.

Lee Allentuck hosts leaders in the phygital game space (Jeff Tidball COO of Atlas Games, Don Whiteford CEO of Nomad Game Limited, Tomas Rawlings CEO of Auroch Digital, and Shail Mehta CEO and of The Last Gameboard) to discuss the evolution and future of social games during the ChiTAG 2020 Conference.Show more