

Azhelle Wade talks about how AI will affect the toy and game industry in terms of inventing, marketing, producing, and much more. Change is upon us, it's best to be prepared!

Bob Witkin of York-Jersey Underwriters warns against dual ransomware attacks and their prevalence in the toy and game industry. He points out the importance of obtaining cyber insurance.

Leslie Lawrence has achieved two creative feats: inventing games and writing books. Keep reading to hear more about her creative process.

Kim Vandenbroucke reports on all things Toy Fair after the 2023 NY Toy Fair comes to a close. The big news? Toy Fair is moving!

Christopher Byrne, also known as The Toy Guy, talks about the every-changing world of toys and games, especially for young children. With most kids able to get their hands on their favorite thing to w...atch at a moment's notice, it's hard to decide where to market certain products. He talks about his experience at Toy Fair this year, and also comments on the aspects of the industry that never change, a somewhat comforting thought.Show more

Just in time for New York Toy Fair 2023, Christopher Byrne provides a brief history along with some commentary about what Toy Fair is and how it's evolved over the past 100+ years.

The Bloom Report gives tips on how to set the stage for a winning 2024, so that you're reaching for champagne rather than tums!

Barry Kudrowitz discusses his new book, Sparking Creativity and invites you to a book release party, a family friendly celebration of creativity, play, humor, design, and great books!

Amy Holden writes on her experiences traveling for work and tells some anecdotal stories (with pictures!).

Christopher Byrne writes on some of the current trends influencing play, including social/emotional development, gamification, room for the child, process over results, and changes in social structure....Show more